Happy Endings
We here are ARF's are happy to show our sweet success stories! The animals pictured below represent all of our adoptees from March of 2002 to the present. We would like to encourage familes who have fostered or adopted through ARF's to post more recent photos of thier adoptees on our Facebook page.

Name: CJ New Family: New Residence: Most Memorable: The dog with mega esophagus has finally found her forever home with Bob and Mary who absolutely adore her. Princess CJ, as she was formerly known has now been promoted to Queen CJ!

Name: JACK New Family: New Residence: Most Memorable: jack was pulled by AGSR the day he was to be euthanized. We knew he was not a GSD, but he was only 10 months and very cute to boot so we took him. Fortunately we found a Siberian husky rescue that knew what he was and he was transferred to them and was adopted!

Name: DASHER New Family: Cheryl New Residence: Most Memorable: Chance, kna Dasher was adopted by Cheryl and lives with his brother Donner (does anyone get the Santa theme here?) just in time for his first Christmas indoors!